Thursday, May 29, 2008

Home Loans with Bad Credit

You have just seen the house of your dreams but you have had credit problems. The ability to find home loans with bad credit can be difficult but not impossible.

Previous to 1990 if you did not qualify for a FHA or VA home mortgage it was very difficult to get a mortgage. This since has changed and there are companies providing home loans with bad credit on a daily basis. These loans were introduced to help high risk borrowers to secure a mortgage and become homeowners.

When you are looking for home loans with bad credit you will probably want to look into what is called a subprime loan. This is a loan to persons with a damaged credit history and would be considered a high risk borrower. Because of the higher risk, subprime loans normally require a larger down payment and a higher interest rate. The higher the risk the lender feels you are, based on credit scores and other factors the higher the rate to borrow will be. If the risk seems lower you could receive a lower rate and lower down payment even if you are still considered a high risk borrower.

Most subprime loans have .1% up to .6% higher rates than those of a conventional loan. This may not seem like a lot but when thinking in terms of a $100,000.00 dollar home the difference is in thousands of dollars. So even if you are considered a candidate for a subprime loan it is important to shop for the best rate available.

Home loans with bad credit are made because lenders know that often a person with less than perfect credit did want to make their payments but because of illness, loss of employment or some other event out of the borrowers control may contribute to late payments or foreclosures.

If you were searching for home loans with bad credit you will want to keep in mind a couple of important tips. You will want to plan on keeping this loan, for about two to five yearsYou will want to be using this time to help increase your credit worthiness by cleaning up old debts and obligations. You will want to be sure to make your new mortgage payments on time. After this process you can try and qualify for one of the more common and lower rated loan.

If you already own a home, and had some financial difficulties a subprime loan may help you to regain your credit status. By refinancing with home loans for bad credit you can refinance for more than you owe. Take the cash back on the equity you have and use this to pay off high interest credit cards, liens, or collections. You would save money each month and be rebuilding your credit rating at the same time.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Unsecured consolidation loans

Bills are piling up, and paying them all takes just about all the money you make – or worse, it takes every penny. Not only are there credit card bills screaming for attention, but utility, medical and store card are all due now. Oh, and don’t forget the money you owe your brother-in-law and the fact that you’re going to need to replace your windshield now. It adds up, and will it ever go away?

A loan would help you get back on your feet, help you get ahead, and help you begin to build a stronger financial future. But it takes collateral to secure a loan, right? And you don’t own a home so you have no equity to borrow against. In fact, looking around, you have nothing to offer as collateral.

There’s good news. There is such a thing as an unsecured debt consolidation loan, and it may be worth it for you to pursue this option for managing your debt. Lenders who offer unsecured debt consolidation loans do not require any collateral against the loan; they look at you and what your credit and employment history say about you. If you have been making regular payments to all your creditors and if you have a stable employment history those factors can work in your favor, showing that you as an individual are a good risk.

There are also lenders out there who will give you an unsecured consolidation loan in spite of your credit and employment history, if you need a clean slate in more ways than one.

Unsecured consolidation loans are intended to please your creditors by paying them all off, and to please you by putting some quality back in your life in the form of greater peace of mind. Instead of a long line of creditors calling and sending letters and constant reminders that you owe money, you have one obligation, one monthly payment. Gone is the uphill battle with late and over the limit fees. Imagine the long-term savings just by eliminating those fees from your life!

Be aware, though, that lenders attach higher interest rates to unsecured consolidation loans. They take a larger risk when they lend money without security, and to compensate their interest rates will be higher than on loans with collateral.

Keeping in mind the greater risk lenders take with unsecured consolidation loans, loan amounts by necessity are limited to lower amounts. Depending on the company, the limit on the amount they will loan unsecured may be as low as $1,000 or as high as $20,000.

Living with debt is just part of living nowadays, but when your debt outgrows your budget the quality of your life can become anything good. There is a difference between managing your debt and drowning it. Managing debt translates directly into quality of life, and the first step to making sense of all your outstanding bills and loans may be consolidating them all under one loan. The interest rate may be higher, but an unsecured consolidation loan is far better than bankruptcy.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008


When a friend or a family member asks you for money you can be faced with a delicate situation. Thinking it is your duty to help that person, sometimes you end up hurting yourself. Try, when you can’t resist a close person, to analyze first all the data of the problem.

1. Analyze with you heart and mind
Look at the situation with the objectivity of a bank, combined with the sympathy you feel for a friend. If your heart and head agree you probably are not making a mistake helping him. If one of them tells you “No!” there is probably something wrong.

2. Consult with someone else
If a friend asks you for money, ask a third person and rely on his or hers objectivity, a person that can be another friend or a family member with a trusted intelligence.

3. Don’t be afraid to say no
Never hesitate to refuse someone if the situation involves too many risks. Search for other helping options for that person. Conduct the conversation in such a manner that your friend will understand you are refusing the request not the person that made it.

4. Lending equals giving a gift?
You can suggest to that person that, if his of hers financial situation improves in the future, you will be glad to get a present that would equal the money you lent to them.

5. For your safety, sign a contract.
When you are about to give away significant amounts of money, sign, each of you, a contract that settles the conditions and the return date of the money, and also their total amount.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Choose the Best Price for Your Mortgage Loan

Shopping for a mortgage loan is just like dealing with any other contractual matter. The key words to finding the best mortgage loan are comparison and negotiation. Once you start searching you come to realize just how vast and varied the mortgage loan offer domain can be. And you will also find out that only a few will probably meet your demands. It is very important to be aware of all the factors involved by a mortgage loan before taking the actual contracting step.

There are different offers depending on the type of lender you are dealing with. So, before making your final decision on the mortgage loan you will choose make sure you put in balance all the prices that lenders like thrift institutions (which include savings banks and savings and loan associations) commercial banks, mortgage companies or credit unions quote you. Consulting as many offers as possible will help you make a better choice.

You can also have a mortgage broker working for you anytime. He is not actually making the mortgage loan for you as his role is that of dealing with transactions. He will find you the lenders, but unless there is a contractual agreement that states him as your agent, it is not in his responsibilities to find you the offers that are most suitable to your needs. That means that going for more than just one broker will also increase your chances of finding the best price.

You should also find out if the institution you have contacted works with both lenders and brokers, as this will probably involve separate fees for their services. But before doing anything else you must make sure you qualify for the mortgage loan in question. You should also make a realistic reckoning of how much you can afford to pay not only in the short but also in the long term.

Knowing your credit limits will guide your searches for the right mortgage loan, and spare you a lot of time that would otherwise be wasted going through the whole application procedure in the wrong place, just to be rejected eventually.

As a mortgage loan can be quite restrictive and very difficult to purchase if you have a poor-payments-on-time-history or a low credit score, you should first ask the advice of a credit counselor or credit service to help you improve your score, or you can work on the necessary improvements for the mortgage loan record by yourself.

You can get a copy of your credit report as you are entitled access to it, and you can start working on improving your score. A quite effective way of achieving that is writing to the credit reporting agency and asking to remove the information you claim to be inaccurate or wrong. It usually works and it will nevertheless increase your chances of getting a mortgage loan.

Another helpful item for your record is to contract a mortgage insurance, which functions as a guarantee for the bank, protecting its investment should you fail to make the settled payment. This type of insurance can increase your chances to a mortgage loan even when there is a poor credit record.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

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